Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blog-iversary and Winner!

I can't say thank you enough for all of my blog readers. Thank you for supporting this therapeutic process that helps me DEAL! A year ago, I needed a creative outlet and started writing what is now known as Czesia Lives (back then it was Czesia's Adventures).

My first post was terrible! I had just gotten braces and they hurt so much!

Soon came Halloween where Marc and I dressed up as the Jolly Green Giant, and Little Sprout.

In those weeks that turned into months, I've made some yummy recipes that I probably wouldn't have tried without the blog...

and lot's of silliness, that's just a part of me!

Thank you for letting me get my drunk smile on

and my serious frown on (I smile to much at work, so that's my excuse)

I'm so glad you've let me enjoy this hobby with the gift of your loyalty, your kind comments, and also your understanding (a couple months I only wrote 1 or 2 blogs!).

For the contest, I put everyone in order from who commented first to last. Then I added each persons amount of entries with a coordinating number.

So that was a total of 14 entries, I then used random.org to get the number....

So without further adieu, I'd like to congratulate SLIMKATIE on winning the first ever contest held here on Czesia Lives. Please contact me (you have my email!), let me know which goody bag you'd like, and your contact information!

Seriously guys, I wish I could give you all a present. Can I say thank you too much?


Anele @ Success Along the Weigh said...

Happy Blogiversary!! Looking forward to following more adventures!

Katie Foster said...

I love this entry (and not just because I won)! Isn't it amazing, all the stuff that goes on inside of a year?

Sarah said...

Congrats! Love that first picture : ) You're awesome!

Amanda said...

Congrats to Katie, and I'm so glad to have found your blog, or I suppose, to be more accurate, that you found mine. :)