Lesson for the day:
Don't ever let someone else rules become your rules. I've always been told that my hips and thighs are too wide to wear Skinny Jeans. I had a pair but ended up cutting them into capris because I was embarrassed of the way I was proportioned and by what others would think about me.
I've learned through my weight loss that I can't do this journey for others. I have to do it for myself. Just as I can't wear what I wear because others deem it "socially appropriate". F them! I think I look cute and to me that's all that matters!
I was told recently that in order to be at a healthy weight, I'd need to weigh around 125 pounds. You know, that's a great weight, I think it would be nice to be around that size...but I think I'm going to change my goal and get to about 140 pounds. I would still be in my healthy weight range, but I won't be conforming to others ideas about how much I should weigh. My doctor told me that I'm extremely healthy (and that was 20 pounds ago), and that I could stay at that size I was and still be healthy (that was a total loss of 50 pounds). So I thought to myself, why do I want to be 125 pounds? The answer is in my mind, being in the 120 pound range is "socially appropriate", and now I'm going to take my mentality from the clothes I wear to the amount I weigh. F that! I'm a good enough reason to be healthy and 140 pounds is the number I wish to be.
That being said, I have 30 pounds to goal, which I hope to do by Jan 1st 2012. Also, once I get to 145 pounds I'll have lost 100 pounds. SO INSANE. I never EVER thought I could do this and it's taken me a REALLY long time, but I feel like there is no way I'll go back to that SERIOUSLY in denial girl. I would even lie and tell people that I was lighter than I was and it's so sad to me now. I would NEVER let people take full body pictures of me at that time and today when I put on my clothes I looked down and could see my feet. It's just the things that take your breath away.
I always seem to lay out the heavy things on the blog before the lighter things so hopefully you guys are used to the 180 degree turns haha!
Today I made white chicken chili!
at 288 calories per bowl (1.5 cups) I'd say this is a real winner!
2.5 pounds skinless boneless chicken breast, cooked and chopped.
1 large onion, chopped
1 bell pepper (I used yellow), chopped
2 pickled jalapeño peppers, minced.
2 cans (15 oz) butter beans, rinsed
1 can evaporated milk
1 tbsp cumin
1.5 tsp curry powder
4 cups water
Add onion, peppers, spices, and a bit of water to a soup pot, cook until tender. Place 1 cup of veggie mixture, 1 cup of beans, and 1 cups of water to food processor, blender, or hand emulsify the mix in the soup pot.
Add the chicken, the rest of the beans, water, and evaporated milk. Enjoy!
It's pretty spicy so beware! I like spice! If you want a more mild chili I would leave out one of the jalapeño peppers.
Also...I'm coming up on my one year blog anniversary! I'm so excited! In the beginning I had one subscriber, and now I have ten. The only thing is I'd like to branch out a bit more so I'm having a contest!! I'm going to ship out a goody bag full of stuff I like (50 dollars worth fun stuff that is tailored towards the winner depending on what I see fit whether that be weight loss related, cooking related, beauty related..etc, whoever wins well talk! ) to one lucky winner! The contest ends on the actual anniversary Oct. 25th, 2011. I will randomly (using pick one winner from the comments below.
To enter, you must be a subscriber, and leave a comment below about what you (or your kids, dogs, spouse, whatever) is going to be for Halloween! To have more entries, like me at my new facebook fan page! You can also have additional entries by using different social networking sites to let your buddies know I'm having this contest! For every social networking site you use (your personal facebook, your twitter, your blog, etc) write another comment letting me know that you did so! I just need to be able to tell that you did!
What am I going to be for Halloween? A Geisha!

I'm going to be Velma from Scooby Doo. :)
How tall are you? I'm 5'6 and was always told 125 was a good weight for me, and I spent years struggling to get where I now know is way too thin for my body build. I look so much better around 140-145 lbs. Even now, I just want to get back to 155 and be in a healthy BMI range. I'm so glad to be free of that 125 illusion. That's what your blog reminds me of! :)
Congrats on your blogoversary! I'm actually not going to enter the contest though because I have literally the most sensitive skin and hair in the world and can't use 99.9% of products out there. So let someone else have the fun stuff! :) Still, one way or another, I'm glad you found me a couple weeks ago and I'm a happy subscriber here!
I'm 5'3, I'm still going to enter you in the contes because what if a guy won lol! I'm going to update the prize stuff!
I'm going to be a PeaHen (female peacock)
Rayel-Oh my that is beautiful I wanna change mine now LOL!
Katie- That sounds like a lot of fun!
LoL I'm glad it worked! I finally broke down and created an accout so now maybe I can comment effortlessly. Also- I just spammed for your contest...two entries for me please! **cheeses big**
I'm so glad you created an account, it makes me feel special love you sissy!
It all kind of depends on if I'm still lugging this baby around by then, or if she decides to hurry up and show herself! lol.
If I'm still preggers, I'm going to wear black leggings, and an orange shirt, on which I'm going to paint on a jack-o-lantern face where my big buddah belly is. haha. If not, well, probably a zombie or something easy, since I've made my costume plans around being
skinny jeans are a stupid fad anyway. It goes right along with you needing to weigh 80 pounds to look good. guess what? anorexia isn't healthy either...and if I am thinking correctly, women who were "hot" back in the day, were about my size! Kids these days..*pshhh*
Okay first of all.. who says you need to weigh 125? Obviously not a doctor or anyone with any knowledge of what is a healthy range. There's a reason it's a range and not a single number, every body is different, especially women's bodies. Looking at you and knowing your height, I would guess that you weigh 130-140, and I'm totally not exaggerating or lying at all. You look seriously awesome. I am 5'3" also and my goal is to reach 140, which is the top number on the healthy bmi range. However, I know from experience that when I lose weight, my boobs don't shrink. They just don't, never have, never will. Right now I weigh 235, which strangely is 10 lbs less than I did before I got pregnant. But after Adeline is born I am still going to have a hefty number of pounds to lose. And I just want to say again that you motivate the heck out of me. I look at you and think there is hope for me yet. Sorry for the super long post, but I think you'll appreciate knowing that you're my role model.
Um, for Halloween I don't know.. I saw some shirts with a word bubble on the belly that say "my mommy is my costume" which is creepy and cute at the same time. so i may just get one of those, haha. Norah has a fairy/princess thing she could wear if I don't come up with anything clever. We'll see.
I am dressing Gage up as the Scarecrow off the Wizard of of my favorite movies of all time and its cool because when I was his age my parents dressed me up as Dorthy so its like a family tradition now lol!!!
That chicken chili looks good! I never would have thought to add evaporated milk to it, but I love how creamy it makes the chili look.
I'm totally undecided as to what any of us are going to be for Halloween! My kids change their minds daily, it seems ;)
Mollie, you're going to be so cute for halloween! I really like skinny jeans, they are WEIRDLY comfortable! I wore them today and felt no shame. who really gives a fudgesicle, right?
Rachel, you are so awesome. I'm glad you're my friend! And can I tell you how much I love that you think I weight like 130-140 pounds LOL! I'm glad you think I'm your role keeps me going!
Deanna, Gage is going to look SO CUTE! I can't wait to see pictures!
Katie, My mom couldn't figure out what we were going to be one year and then I ended up being a mummy...with toilet paper dressing LOL!
Hahah, well I guess if we can TALK about the prizes, then I'll be okay entering. :D And I suppose I should then mention what I'm going to be for Halloween. I actually just decided - I'm going to be a Reveur from that Night Circus book if I can find all the pieces (I see a trip to the thrift store in my near future...). :D
I am picking up the Night Circus book tomorrow from the library! I'm excited!
Eli is going to be Iron man possibly, I am making his costume myself. I dont know if I will dress up this year or not, still undecided!! Also, I shared on my facebook, will share on my blog and of course liked your facebook page!! I love your blog!
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