Marc had lasik eye surgery quite a while ago, so every year he has to go and get his eyes examined in order to keep up his lfetime warranty, so we went and did that today. While he was getting his eyes dilated I was wishing I could be a part of the cool kids and wear glasses.
If I could I'd wear these.

They are actually dark purple!! I'm in love.
So I already "lost" half of the 4 pounds I supposedly gained this past week. It had to have been water to have such a DRASTIC change. I'm seriously not checking the scale until next Sunday. Please hold me to it. Thank you all for your support it's frustrating!
Is it Christmas yet? Here are a few things on my list.

Gourmet Teas

Oh I would die and go to heaven. I just bought the mousse today. It's so steep but it is WORTH IT!
and the KICKER! I want a wedding band like the one pictured, except white gold.

Wouldn't that look so nice with my ring? Here's my ring right when Marc proposed.

What do you guys have on your wish lists?
I have so many things on my wish list, I am obnoxious! lol. But I don't believe we're doing the present thing this year. New baby will be quite enough to keep us busy! I will say though, that after I get rid of all this excess weight, I want all new undies, bras, undershirts, clothes...the works!!! Nothing makes you feel better than a new wardrobe =) also, decided that I want to dye my hair, so all new me is in the works. lol
Oh gosh I haven't even started thinking about christmas lists...there are a couple books I want, and I want one of those camelback water system thingies...
Your ring is beautiful! Love that band too.
Thank you Sarah, I really appreciate it!
Amanda, I just started reading Night circus but my brain is foggy from overuse lol. I need to try and start over.
Mollie, lol I love you./ A woman after my own heart.
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