I tried sending some pictures to my sister but only one went through. This was taken at the Vet's office. He is A HUGE pitbull bred to have such a hulking stature. Never mind the "lipstick" he's breeding right now. Isn't he CUTE??? 101 pounds at 15 months old.
(look at the dog in the back, he was literally shaking poor guy)
I was at the vet for Frankie, ended up he has a bacterial infection in his GI tract, and an upper respiratory infection which led to conjunctivitis. I have to give him goop in his eyes three times a day and crushed up antibiotics in a eye dropper twice a day. He's a trooper for sure. This is his favorite spot in Nana's house. He thinks this guy is his big brother.
And here he is after I bought him a catnip mouse to play with (he is in training to catch real ones if we happen to get some)
(climax of fight)
Peace was formed as a mouse pillow.
I bought the mouse before hanging out with my friend Angela on Saturday night. We went to Olive Garden and then the mall where we tried on lots of shoes and i bought loads of Jewelry at Claires and a couple candles from Yankee Candles. "Jack Frost, and "Mountain Lodge" both smell really yummy!
Marc and I went to this movie with little Neice Aleksa too, it was 3D and she kept trying to grab the images that were popping out, it was soo cute! Movie wasn't half bad either...We mostly wanted to go because of the awesome voices (Zach Galifinakis is so awesome)

Today was kind of a catch up day, I was really in the mood to clean the house so i did!! yay! Here are some pictures (it might not look that great but you should have seen it before).
I had my candles lit and got to sit and have absolutely NOTHING on my plate for a whole hour, I LOVED IT!
Now I'm reading this book, which is HIGHLY addicting but only meant for someone with a really open mind. I couldn't put it down...I had to force myself to stop, or I would read it too fast :)

Have a great night!
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