I've actually been in bed all day trying not to puke. I haven't been drunk in a really long time, and there are many reasons for that. I guess I just wasn't pacing myself and ended up in a spinning world of hurt.

I guess I can say I've learned my lesson? However, I had the best time with my super cute cousins! I'm jealous of their Italian blood!!
I'm off to go drink more water, and work on these papers. One is due Wednesday, the other next Sunday. I haven't even TOUCHED them yet! How am I going to get through this?
Also, since it is about the end of the month, I wanted to say I didn't hit my goal of getting out of the 1-somethings :( but I'm keeping my goals and I am going to knock December out of the park!
Katie got her package!!! Go check it out here!
Good luck with the papers, and I hope the hangover is ebbing away!! I've honestly never had a hangover before, because I've never had more than a few sips of alcohol before. I know, I know. I just don't like the way it burns my mouth. I'm picky about things like that, haha. :D
Well, I'm going to go ahead and say that today I wish I've never had more than a few sips of alcohol! You must have a sensitive palate! I like bitter things (i have no idea why) so a yummy vodka tonic with extra lime is just my THING! Thankfully I don't drink on a regular basis!
Ugh, I hate hangovers! I always end up vowing to myself that I will NEVER drink again (lol). Glad you had fun though!!
And thank you SO MUCH for the package--I love it! And I agree, the color of the flowers went perfectly with my hair color!
Katie...UGH I FEEL LIKE CRAP. Whenever this happens to me I think of alcohol like the way rubbing alcohol smells. I cried when I realized I was way past gone, Marc was making fun of me this morning "waaaa why am I drunk waaaaa" LOL!
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