9:10 Woke up, cuddled Beanka for an extra 20 minutes.
9:30 Got out of bed and got ready for the day
9:40 Called Mount Mary College after realizing they left me a message, made an appointment for a college tour and counseling session for Friday!
9:55 Ate Cheerios, almond milk, frozen berries, and coffee for breakfast.
10:10 Get in the car to go to school
10:20 Arrive at school
10:30 Introduction to Sociology
11:55 End of Class, head to Financial Aid department
12:50 finally finished figuring out MAJOR $ mess up at school. Realize I haven't eaten lunch, nor have I studied for my math test.
1:05 Elementary Algebra
2:20 Finished test, get out of class early (usually there until 3pm) Made a 96 on test!!
2:25 go to cafeteria and realize I have no money, but if I don't eat in the next five seconds I'm going to die and take the nasty douche-head hitting on me, with me. So I hit the vending machine for pretzels. Now I have a .79 cent balance on my student ID...I'M RICH!
2:30 Marc gets me from school and we decide to go out for lunch. I'm straving and he's cranky, which means he's starving too.
2:35 Arrive at Harley Davidson Museum on the way home (weird right lol?!) Eat at the cafe, had smoked chicken and bacon Sammie with avocado. Decided to only eat half of the sandwich, and a pickle spear.
3:10 Arrive Home! It was so nice and WARM!
3:15 under the covers, listening to an Itunes Podcast, snuggling with Beanka.
4:30 re-flat iron hair, completely 'fro headed' from the rainy day. Change into uniform.
4:45 Leave for work, almost get attacked by raging driver. He put his high beams on me, AND rode my tail down the length of the intersection. I ended up deciding to get off the freeway, and get back on after he passed. I didn't do anything to him!! Crazy.
4:58 Arrive at work, get the low down.
5:15 Try to fax in transcripts for Mount Mary, doesn't work, so email them.
6:00 look at grades and notes on homework and just want this semester to be OVER! (don't worry should be a's and b's)
7:00 Start writing blog, and have no idea what to write since my day was so boring, and now that I did the play by play it wasn't so bad!
(future) 7:45 eat Dinner (chicken, bok choy, sweet potatos)
11:00 Go home
11:30 Make a microwave brownie, light my gingerbread candle, sit down and CUDDLE BEANKA AGAIN!
How was your day?