Weird title, I suck at making them up anyway haha!
I went out to the garden and was so SURPRISED! Look what was waiting for me?!?
I was shocked, and then excited! I grew these honkin cucumbers!
I also straightened my hair today :)
I am not gonna lie, I was sitting in the hair stylist's chair this weekend and walked out! Almost with the black gown still wrapped around my neck! The stylist rubbed me the wrong way and I just had to get OUT of there! I still am thinking about cutting it, but maybe I'll like long hair during the winter? What do you guys think?!
My mom is coming to visit, which means I have to think of something FAST for the ugly ass bathroom we have AGH! It's so old and nasty. Maybe Marc will know what to do?! It's going to be really awesome, but also kinda tough because there are so many factors to play in here. Like my mom being around Nana, my mom being alone for a couple of hours at night while Marc and I are at work (we are going to teach her how to use netflix lol! I want her to have a great time! I'm sure we will!
Ok that's enough for tonight, good night!
nice job on the cukes....I hate cucumbers though. haha.
I think it's better to have long hair in the winter, especially up north where it's FREEZING! I chopped mine off, and ...I want it back of course, but isn't that how it always works?
Those cucumbers almost look like skinny watermelons. I have been growing my hair out and chopping it off to donate it for about 6 or 7 years now. I love it because I get to enjoy the benefits of long AND short hair. By the time the long hair is driving me insane, it's usually long enough to donate and still be left with a girl haircut ;) And it's easier to part with knowing it's for a good cause.
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