How about a fun girly post?!?!
Okay so on to my everyday makeup.
I don't usually wear makeup until i go to work, but I feel like makeup is a part of my uniform. I must say that I have always loved makeup and find nothing wrong with enhancing your looks! My big thing is make up should not ERASE your face, but add to your natural gifts! I used to HATE my big bushy eyebrows but now I am thankfully for there fullness so I can have a dramatic arch!
I love this foundation. I have acne scars and large pores around the base of my nose and this foundation covers all of my issues while still being light and not look like I have a mask on.

Highlights and Lowlights:

This blush is so great, because it lasts forever! I have rosy cheeks but in the winter time especially I like to have a bit more a pinkish hue going on. Plus you can't beat the price, what like less than a dollar?

Neutrogena is a great company but can be a bit pricier than I wish to spend. Yet there are a few products that I would be hard pressed to buy from another drugstore brand. This bronzer is one of them. I (as you know) am very light skinned so some bronzers can make my face look dirty and unnatural. This product blends amazingly and I feel in control of the color! Plus it helps me look healthy without the suns damaging rays.
If I was stranded on a deserted Island and could only pick on makeup item to bring, it would be this palette. Stemming anywhere from natural, to earth tones, to a dramatic smoky eye, this paletter will not disappoint! NYX can be found in some drugstores but sadly not in my area. However I bought this online for only 10 dollars! Plus you know this makeup is my favorite because I wore it on my wedding day!

I also use this palette for my eyebrow color and eyeshadow! It's an all in one! I just use a liner brush and some water to make the eyeliner.

This is the current mascara I wear which really extends my lashes, just be careful because it can clump easily and you don't want to look like this.


This 'liquid lipstick' is actually from a gift I won online from a beauty contest! It is from england by a company called beautyUK. I LOVE IT!

In the above picture I'm wearing Motives Pink lipstick, it's creamy and has a great balance of shimmer and matte.
Mostly I'm just a lip balm kind of girl. I love Blistex, and Chapstick, but right now I am using this balm which smells so good!!
Okay so tell me, what are your favorite makeup products? How about the one item you would pick if you were stranded on a deserted island?
have you used any of my mentioned products before, how did you like it?
lol...tammy faye baker.
I love makeup but I'm too broke to buy new stuff, so I have been using the same junk forever. I use covergirl for my foundation, concealer, and power, and blush. I actually found a pallet by avon that is so great for eyeshadow and it was like 6 bucks. I use just about any eyeliner I can get my hands on, but one I found works pretty well are those little ones that cost a dollar at hot topic. even the color ones work. And my mascara is lash blast. =) If I had the choice I would have someone come do my makeup every day though.haha
First I should say that because I stay home right now, I pretty much never wear makeup. Even when I go out I often don't think about it just because it isn't a habit.. and then I end up catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror and instantly regret it. The other day I went to my orientation at school and didn't realize they would be taking my student ID.. ugh. When I do wear makeup.. eye shadow (I have a clinique palette that I have literally used for 5 years or more), eyeliner (brand doesn't matter, usually the dollar kind),mascara (I have the one you have but switch it often), concealer, a natural mineral powder (I have a few different ones), and usually a tinted lip gloss or balm. I usually just use a small amount of what I put on my lips to color my cheeks. Product I would choose if I could only pick one: Dr. Pepper Lip Smackers! I've used it on lips and cheeks. It's just a little bit of color, but it makes a big difference, and it tastes good :)
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