I had fun in Winnieconne but now my brain is broken! I've had such a lazy weekend and I get spoiled with the day off tomorrow!
I'm going to Great America (Six Flags) with Marc, my Mother in Law, Sister in law, Niece

It is my top goal to remember my camera since I forgot it when we went up North. Wuhwah.
Beanka got to come with us up north and she had the BEST time!

Rollin around in the grass and smelling all the yummy smells. Getting fed, and sitting on every open lap. On the way home she slept the whole time! It was awesome!
I got to ride a jetski for the first time. I was nervous, but it was fun. Plus I wore a BIKINI! Only for a little while but it was such a great feeling. Getting so many compliments really helped add fuel to the fire! I'm ready to buckle down and hit my goal 10 more pounds by October 1st.
Yesterday we went to see The Hangover 2 at a value cinema (2.75 per ticket FTW!) It was funny, but we went really more for Marc. He loves that kind of movie! Some parts were HILARIOUS though!

Love you guys, hope you enjoyed the weekend!
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