I love me some protein pancakes. This might look not so yummy but it tastes like a cheese danish! Instead of peanut butter or syrup this time I put plain yogurt which was so great! If you like a balance between sweet and savory this is perfect. The best fuel before working out. Rachel asked me if the cakes turn out eggy since there isn't a lot of "powder" to egg but the protein powder acts as a thickening agent which helps with consistency and taste. I use the regular Eat Good Feel Great Vanilla Whey Powder from Walmart,

taste great, and sweet enough so I don't need to add any sweetener to my shakes, or cakes :)
Here I am right before heading out on my walk with Marc and Beanka. Beanka gets all shaky before the walk but when we are on the trail she loves it and marks her territory! One thing she doesn't like is rollerbladers, but she doesn't seem to mind runners or bikers. Speaking of rollerbladers, I'm hoping to find a pair soon so I can go and burn some serious calories at the lake! I couldn't seem to keep my heart rate up today (could be that recent 4 pound weight loss) but I had to jog in a few places! It wasn't terrible, but I think rollerblading would be more up my alley.
Marc has been very sweet to me, look what he bought me! I almost cried.
It had been awhile since he's given me flowers. We've been in a good healthy place especially with him working again. It's hard for us sometimes since we are in such a small space and have, admittedly, quite a heaping pile on our plates. I'm just thankful that we have goals, and we are trying our best to enjoy ourselves during the process.
So tell me, how was your weekend? Have you ever been roller blading?
Awe, I love flowers.. especially when they are given for no particular reason. I told Brandon to bring home his protein powder (he works at a gym, bought the stuff because everyone else drinks it, and then never used it) so I can make some of these pancakes :)
ps.. you are looking so fly, girl. for real.
Oh Rachel I just love you! Thanks! I can't wait to hear how the pancakes work out for you!
you are looking great chica! And you can tell that you feel great, which is what matters =)
The flowers are pretty. No matter what, surprises are always great
Thank you Mollie!!
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