I slept in soo late today! I think I woke up at around 12:15pm. Marc had to work the overnight shift and it was actually really hard trying to sleep. I actually MISSED his snoring-bed-hogging. When we have our own house, we'll need to purchase a king size bed though :).
So after waking up and being a little cranky from over sleeping I set off to do the dishes and clean the kitchen. My original (pissed off) plan was just to go downstairs and eat my breakfast but that was postponed when I saw how wrecked the kitchen looked from last nights dinner. I thought Marc would have cleaned it after I left for work but I guess he needed to sleep. I'm not upset at him about it though because he had a really busy day yesterday.
So off I cleaned and cleaned, all the left over Tupperware containers, the George Foreman whose caked on chicken and fish remnants really grossed me out, and little bowls from yogurts and such....it's so annoying and tedious. A dishwasher does sound nice sometimes but I know that we are even worse off with one than without. weird I know.
After the cleaning fest, it was about 2:30pm and I hadn't even eaten yet!! So I made some quick deviled eggs and had it with grapes and a prune (two are shown, but I only ate one). Prunes are really good for you and super fast eating so you can have a whole serving of fruit in just one bite.
The deviled eggs were made with bacon ranch no calorie dressing, dijon mustard, and a smidge of sweet relish. The sweet relish has high fructose corn syrup in it but I don't enjoy/like deviled eggs without it. Kinda necessary for me today!
Right after that meal I had some plain yogurt with a packet of truvia and some lemon juice. This is one of my favorite flavors for yogurt mmm lemon!
My lunch wasn't even thought of until 3:55pm and I was struggling to make something really quick to eat at work. I managed to thaw out some salmon, heat up the rest of the Bok Choy from yesterday and half of a can of green beans. I love canned green beans but the sodium is ridiculous. I only have them if I really have NO time left to eat/make food. I love green beans with red pepper flakes, but for some reason the shaker cap was not on the bottle and I spilled
so much on my food.
Before I left for work I ate a portion of salmon, and had the rest around 6:45pm.
Thankfully I can send a picture from my cell phone to my sister and she emails it to me lol...that way I don't miss dinner time.
Tonight I'm planning on making something a little different for dessert/snack. I'm going to have something called "snow pudding".
The recipe calls for artificial sweetener to equal one cup of sugar. I'm wondering if i should stick to that or maybe try to lessen the sweetener? I'm not sure.
*** Update: I had no gelatin so I made cinnamon apples and yogurt. I know what a shock.
Another good piece of news (that will hopefully outweigh the semi "bad" day I had today) was that I lost another pound! Which leads me to a total of 8 pounds lost! I'm feeling very confident to get those last 2 goal pounds before January 11th!
Tomorrow Marc has to work from 3pm to 10pm so I'm planning on taking a trip to the laundromat (maybe), goodwill, and maybe the value cinema? If I go to the cinema I want to see either


Have you seen either one of these movies? Which one would you see?
So make sure to check back for the damn pictures I am so mad I forgot to grab my camera ROAR, they'll be added around 11:30pm, plus tell me which movie you'd pick!!
I'd see secretariat. It's one of those dramatic movies, I prefer to see that type of movie in theaters. I'm going to have to look into this 17 day diet, seems that you are having some spectacular results, and the food you are eating seems appealing for the most part. Let me know how that pudding turns out. :)
you know, I think I'm leaning towards Secretariat too! I think it would look so weird for me to go in there and say ahem 1 ticket for despicable me please...LOL!
If you rinse greenbeans that are from a can you can reduce the sodium up to a half!! :-)
Also, trivia's website provides conversion charts for cooking :-)
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