Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Old Me

I thought maybe some of my newer readers would like to meet the old me...If you haven't already.

She was tired.

She was in denial.

She was fake.

But most of all, she is me. She is a part of my life, my reason for everything I have accomplished. I deserve more than what I was letting myself have. I deserve to live, not just exist.

**7/10/13 --- Update!! Since I linked this post to my youtube video I wanted to put up an after picture to inspire and hopefully help motivate others!


Mollie said... I just wanted you to know that you are such an inspiration, and you are a lovely lady! Just remember that whenever you feel doubt.

Czesia said...

I love you too Mollie, thank you!

Amanda said...

"I deserve to live, not just exist."

It was a statement very similar to this that got me working hard on m y weight loss journey. I was lazy about it in 2010, only lost 15 lbs, but after I realized how ashamed I was and how much I was hiding from the world, I went into 2011 with a determination to LOSE BIG. I wasn't going to hide anymore. I deserved to live. :) I know these words.

Fit Mom said...

You have come a long way lady! Good for you!

Frickin' Fabulous at 40 said...

Unfortunately I learned that lesson in my late 30's. I was merely going through the motions, existing day to day, waiting to be happy. I'm so happy that you learned the lesson SO MUCH EARLIER!

Anele @ Success Along the Weigh said...

Gorgeous at any weight girl. When you know better, you do better!

Holly from 300 Pounds Down said...

Thanks for linking me here. Now I see you have traveled down the path of weight loss and succeeded. Wow that gives so much hope and inspiration to me. Honestly it's true you are straight up gorgeous regardless but I am so impressed by how far you have come!

Czesia said...

THANK YOU!! That means a lot Holly!

Marcia said...

You have accomplished a lot! You should be so proud. :)

Carrie said...

I'm just starting my weight loss journey, it's so encouraging to see someone who is succeeding in their weight loss! I hope you'll stop by my blog soon!

Congratulations again!