Funniest thing EVER just happened! Marc was being sweet trying to surprise me when I got home for work by running me a bath..except we don't HAVE a bathtub in the basement... he improvised with a tarp, and let's just say things didn't go as planned! He's never going to live this down...we're both dying laughing!!

Look at these flowers though! He's the greatest. Now he's cleaning the bathroom (also another great gift!!)
OOPS! Nice try?
Score on the try points and flowers though!
That is 100% awesome and sounds like something Jason would have done for me. haha! Complete with cleaning up the mess afterwards. :D
Very thoughtful of him...tarps and duct tape usually fix everything though. Now we know they dont make tubs. LOL. The flowers are beautiful though!
Ha ha ha ha!!! That's awesome!!! You've gotta give him credit for trying though! Love it!
*shakes head*.too cute
Isn't he crazy! Later he was like "Man that was so dumb, I don't think I thought that one through!" hahaha! I think it was awesome, and a fun story to tell!
Wow, that's hilarious! Such a nice thought, however ;)
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