So let's recap the weekend shall we!?!
On Friday I woke up early and went to get my hair done at this lovely shop...

Such a teeny weeny picture but just trust me when I tell you it was SOOO nice to get pampered!
I chose a dark color and got a nice thinning haircut, i have a lot of hair so it took a long time. Since I went dark though I wont have to go back until February! Sorry i don't have a picture at the moment, I forgot my scan disk, and my phone at home!
After some errand running, Marc, Alice, and myself went to my sister in laws new house to celebrate her birthday! Her house is really awesome, I snagged some pictures off the Internet!

They have it a lot nicer inside though, the downstairs is a formal dining room, and they are decorating now! I'm happy for them, and it made me excited to eventually own my own house!
The kind of house I want looks a lot like this...

with this inside...

and the kind Marc wants looks like this...

with this inside...

Minus the deer heads. Let's just say that he can have the garage to do whatever he wants with and I get the rest to decorate (he actually mentioned this to me! YES)
Anyway, we had a great time and Andrea's!
On Saturday, we spent lots of time hanging out with Nana and went out to go Christmas shopping!
Off our list:
Uncle Tom
Ciocia Linda
YES! We got most of it done, I just have to buy a few more things for Marc and I'm done! I'm not going to say what I got anybody in case they read my blog, especially Marc, he's sneaky!
There is also a cool story that went along with one of his presents but my lips are sealed until Christmas!
After shopping we went to Red Robin for dinner, and were going to go see Wall Street at the Budget cinema, but winter weather warnings were all over the place so we decided to go home before it hit (it never really hit us, but a couple hours north of us got 8-12 inches!).
Instead, we cleaned the apartment for an hour and a half (we timed it so it wouldn't be daunting once we started, we could stop at that time).
Then we finished up our night with the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

It was cute!
Okay now on to Sunday,
Marc had to work at noon so he left early to shovel and salt the walkway. I got to enjoy some alone time and wrap the presents! They will be shown on a later post, but I used lots of stickers, and ribbons, and fabric flowers!
Today I had to visit the doctor for that dreaded time of the year.

TMI sorry.
Of course a resident went past me when I was googling "Pap smear cartoon" LOL! Thankfully Strict search was on!!!! HAHA!
The rest of the day was spent being lazy! I did end up NOT following my diet today, which is terrible but at least I am admitting it! I had delivery...
3 slices of potato topper pizza and some topperstix. I just need to go grocery shopping and I DONT WANNA!
I also have ordered some pictures to put in my christmas cards tomorrow, they MUST GO OUT TOMORROW, EVEN THOUGH I HAVE NO TIME AND MY LIFE IS CRAZY! Plus I need to ship out gifts tomorrow, this just has to happen.
I also have my english final tomorrow. Awesome.
Well I think this is long enough for now, sorry for slacking, and I apoloize to myself for slipping up BUT tomorrow is a new day!
So.. I LOVE the kind of house you want! So cute! I'm looking forward to seeing your haircut and pictures/stories about presents and all that jazz. Also, props for visiting the "girlie doctor".. I haven't been since my 6 week appointment after having Norah, and she's 2 now.. I know it's terrible, but ugh.. so is going :o/
I like that house you want. it's so cute. haha
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