I'm so happy because in about 2 hours I get to go home, and not work for the next TWO nights! I'm trying to decide what I'm going to do with myself on New Years Day since my love is working :(. I really could use some alone time, maybe I'll go to the mall or the movies? I don't really (read EVER) do things alone like that!
So tomorrow night, Marc and I are going to Polonia (Polish Sport Club) to celebrate New Years Eve. It's a really fancy dinner and dancing event thats annually held. I'm excited, yet a little nervous! I hope that we aren't the only ones who might be slightly younger (ahem), and I hope that we can have a good time without feeling nervous or embarrassed. Marc and I don't dance very often together because he is much taller than I am and it's hard to get it right. I think when we get home tonight I'll show him some youtube instructional videos on learning to dance LOL! I'll let you guys know.
So I couldn't get a hair appointment in for New Years Eve (BOO!) but I'm not worried I think i can pull something off. I'm wearing this dress

I have no idea how I am going to pull this off with my bangs. LOL! I have faith in my magic hands though! :)
Ok so on to today! I was FAMISHED all day, I couldn't seem to get full! Also, I woke up feeling a little puffy which is weird. I'm going to blame it on late night stress. My treadmill's belt kept going off center, which is a pain to fix. I'm not going to be walking on it tonight, and hope that tomorrow I might have some time to fix it? If not I'll absolutely do it on Saturday. I know that I'll be needing to take a walk to Walgreens tomorrow, so that can be my exercise. I need to buy bobby pins, face wash, eyeliner,a new eyelash curler and foundation. I just got 35 dollars as a new years gift, let's see how far it'll go! Anyway, holy sidetracked...
I woke up feeling puffy and weighed myself and was still down another pound! YESSAH!
Todays meals were very much the same as usual.
Yogurt with apple and cinnamon for breakfast
A spinach, mushroom omelet
a MIM (muffin in a minute) with strawberry jam on one side and Earth balance (olive oil butter) on the other
Two servings of chicken pesto soup
and a pinch or two of unsweetened coconut.
When I get home I'll have some yogurt, green tea, and milk with vanilla god that stuff is good! that actually reminds me, i have to get more vanilla maybe they have some at walgreens??
Well hope you guys have a good night and I'll try to remember to bring my camera tomorrow!
On another note, losing weight has BROKEN ME OUT! I got not one mt. Vesuvius on my face, BUT TWO! I ended up putting on a mint julep mask, and these are just too funny not to show off.
Well have a good night, I'll try to remember my camera tomorrow!