Marc and I went Christmas Shopping today! We only have to shop for our family secret Santas and fill our stockings :)
We just got these today and I think they are beyond adorable! Look at the baby stockings!!! One for Beanka, Einstein, and Violet Aww!
I have to get back to studying for my math final, and then in the next month you'll be wishing me away! I am so excited to have a full month break!!!!
Goodnight! How far are you on your Christmas/ Holiday shopping??
Those weeny stockings are adorable!
I am SO BEHIND on my shopping!! I'm starting to panic. NOrmally I have everything worked out in August, but I didn't this year, and now my head is so stuck in this book I'm writing that I'm having a hard time trying to remember what i'm supposed to be doing. Yikes!
Xmas shopping completed Saturday...wrapping completed tonight and turned me into a scrooge! I hate wrapping! -Rayel
Oh no Amanda!!! I hate shopping at the last minute, but I usually always end up doing just that!
Ray (Anon)- I LOVE WRAPPING! It's my favorite part!
Those are some cute stockings!! Congrats on rockin' the good grades ya lil' nerd you! ;)
LOL The Mrs! I love being a nerd haha!
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