Fluffynurse- Thank you! I have it on right now, it's very peaceful! There is just something about a tree! Amanda- Marc is very tall lol (6'9) I make him look like a giant when we stand next to each other because I'm on the other end of the heigh spectrum. I wish we were in a happy medium! I REALLY hope our kids are in the middle. With our luck well have a really short boy, and a really tall girl LOL! Time will tell. Plus he was like 9lbs at birth, I was 5 pounds...His babies better not break me!
Love it! Charlie Brown trees are the best and convey what is truly important anyway. Love the makeshift stand. We do what we have to to capture the moment! :)
I love it! And it looks gorgeous with the lights dimmed and the tree lit up.
Your fellow is quite tall, Czesia! :D I thought *my* husband was tall (at 6'3).
Charlie Brown trees are the best. I love that last picture of you.
Fluffynurse- Thank you! I have it on right now, it's very peaceful! There is just something about a tree!
Amanda- Marc is very tall lol (6'9) I make him look like a giant when we stand next to each other because I'm on the other end of the heigh spectrum. I wish we were in a happy medium! I REALLY hope our kids are in the middle. With our luck well have a really short boy, and a really tall girl LOL! Time will tell. Plus he was like 9lbs at birth, I was 5 pounds...His babies better not break me!
Love it! Charlie Brown trees are the best and convey what is truly important anyway. Love the makeshift stand. We do what we have to to capture the moment! :)
very nice tripod improvement there!
The Mrs- That what I like to think too, we might not be rich monetarily but we're rich with love!
Mollie- Don't you love it LOL!
I used to say my husband and I were Laurel and Hardy when I was fat. I'm 5' and he's 6'. You guys have a bit more of a gap than us!!
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