We had our first cucumber today! It was squat and round almost like a ball! I was so excited, so I chopped it up before taking it's picture :( boo.
It was really yummy, and then I decided to make refrigerator pickles with the leftovers! I have never made refrigerator pickles before, but thought what the heck I could try! So I put garlic, curry powder, cayenne, jalapeno, salt, pepper, lemon pepper, vinegar and dill pickle juice (lol) in a container and I'm going to try it tomorrow! Oh boy! I told Alice (my MIL) what I put in it and she was like "for that little cucumber??!!" so it'll be interesting to see if it's been "overdressed" so to speak. I just was thinking what I thought would taste pretty good as a pickle! Who knows maybe it'll be the best flavor of pickle ever invented?!
I rode my bike this morning and had a great time, it's nice to have some alone time to just destress and be "healthfully selfish". I also burned 440 calories in 44 minutes, booyah! Marc traded his bike with a neighbor across the street and so we're going to ride together tomorrow. It'll be good to get him exercising a little bit too. Sometimes it's hard because you don't want to be acting like your significant other's mama, but he (thankfully) knows that it's important to get healthy! His bike looks like this:

Except it's completely painted black, and doesn't have the fenders. Plus it's bigger, so it fits his frame better. He's happy, and that makes ME happy! Plus not having to spend money on another bike makes me EXTREMELY happy!
Most of my readers are friends with me on Facebook so you've probably seen my pictures from going to the Renaissance Faire Saturday! Marc and I look forward to going every year and this time was no exception. I was so excited to show off my costume and just enjoy the fantasy a little bit.

It's kinda funny how you put on a costume and it changes you're confidence a bit. I think you can tell I was feeling pretty confident ;)

I love this picture maybe the most. The fairies are so sweet, they act like Mimes but not in that "look I'm trapped in a box" kinda way. She was smiling at me and playing with the gold coins in my hair :)

Yeah he's tall, but there's more to him than that! lol!

This lady and her partner (also on stilts, but in a different area at the time of this picture) do a fire act that we unfortunately missed she was also REALLY nice! I think the most friendly and interesting people go to the Faire. I mean, yeah you get obnoxious people, like this woman who asked to see my t!ts and told Marc some ugly things too. She asked to take a picture with us, which we did before she started saying all those things..yuck. But mostly it's very positive and a great experience! If you ever come to the Chicago or Milwaukee area (the fair is located halfway between Chi-town and Milwaukee) you should make a point to go! Not everyone dresses up and you wont feel out of place if you do or don't!
Okay this is really long winded I better be quiet! Goodnight! Don't forget to vote in the poll on the right side of you screen, and also it would be lovely if you clicked on the share button for Twitter or Facebook! LOVE YOU!
What kind of pickles do you like? Have you ever tried to make some?
Would (or have) you gone to a Renaissance, or fantasy Faire?
I love your costume, and you look fantastic! We have a renaissance festival here in Michigan that I went to years ago. I was thinking of going again this year. I don't know that I'd be confident enough to dress up, however ;)
Even just going to people watch is worth it! Thank you for the compliments, even though i've lost weight i feel like the same personas before... so taking pics now i dont recognize me in some ways!!
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