Let's list them out.
1) I passed my (FIVE) classes, hopefully with a 3.5 gpa?
2) I'm through with 2 finals, and have 3 to go.
3) Only 1 week of school left!
and the big news...
Drumroll Please.
MARC GOT A JOB! A good paying one to boot! He is starting off with slower hours right now, but his pay is almost double what I make now. WOW! He's working at the airport again, doing what he calls "throwing mail".
This might make you ask (if you've been paying attention) "Whose going to take care of Nana?????"

This means that I will be FINALLY staying at home being a full time student!!!
I've been singing this song in my head for like the past couple days...
This means I'll be less stressed, and sooo much happier. My family will be happier because I'll be able to take care of them (cooking, cleaning, etc!) Plus I'll be able to be with Nana (which is hard but it's better for everyone if I'm there).
SO... I'm taking the summer off, and I'm going to attack fall semester with a seriousness and I am just SO SO HAPPY! OH HAPPY DAY!
Oh yay!! So happy for you! That's wonderful news! :)
Thank you ssoooo much Rachel!
love the new page look by the way
Im so happy for you girl!!!! Glad things are going your way you deserve it!!!!!
Thank you, I got creative lol.
congrats chet! that is so exciting!!!
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