Sunday, October 16, 2011

Eyes Wide Open

This post was for last night but my home computer was fighting with Blogger. So now it's today's post :)

Why do dogs sleep with their eyes open sometimes? It freaks me out. Sorry it's blurry but Beanka woke up right after this so I couldn't take another one. I think you can still see her eyes half open though! I swear she was out cold!

Can we also touch on the fact that this dog should have been named Queen Sheba?! Seriously, Beanka is a Diva.

I finished organizing the closet after a major setback. I got all the winter clothes out of the attic only to realize they were kinda of stale. After like 4 loads of wash I was THANKFULLY done. Look at this fancy shirt drawer. I think I wear a lot of shirts, don't you think!

Long Sleeves, sweaters, dresses, and coats.

I even organized my gloves and hats and scarves, winter is approaching faster than I'd like. Better get prepared early.
Sweets for my sweet. This was a mug vanilla cake recipe that I googled plus a easy raspberry sauce. (put forzen raspberries in the microwave, heat through...done teehee)

I'm waiting for him to get home now, only 45 more minutes. Usually I'm exhausted by the time he gets home on Saturday shifts, He works 11pm to 2am on Saturdays. I've kept myself occupied today though.

Look at my socks! I'm starting to think I have a foot fetish or something, always showing you guys my tootsies :)

I'm off to start reading My Lobotomy by Howard Dully and Charles Fleming. I think it'll be the perfect read for this spooky time of year!

Also, I've been listening to Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, it's so GOOD! Must read/hear haha!
Off to start on my Thesis paper for African American History. I'm EXHAUSTED...I'm doing this at work right now...not good


rachel.muchmore said...

Your creepy dog picture reminded me that Norah slept with her eyes open when she was itty bitty. It's especially creepy on a new baby, because they have "active sleep" so they are all twitchy and wiggly already, add open-sleepy eyes.. eesh. Hopefully this one will keep her peepers shut. Your shirt drawer is very impressive, as is your mug cake. No wonder you are tired!

Amanda said...

I'm so looking forward to winter! Today is supposed to be 90 degrees again - we've pretty much been in shorts nearly every day since April and I'm tired of it. We need some cooler weather here!

Sarah said...

I heard Unbroken is excellent. You'll have to let me know how good it is!

Czesia said...

Rachel- I had no idea babies did that!! Creepy!
Amanda- Can we switch weather? It's like 30 degrees!!
Sarah- ITS SO GOOD SO FAR! I'll be sure to wrap it up in a post asap!