Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I can't talk to you

My brain is SERIOUSLY broken. Please forgive me. I've lost 2 pounds YAY!

Please tell me in the comments about your day so I can stop focusing on my stress for a few minutes?!?!


Mollie said...

I wish my life was more interesting to help in the distraction process...hmmm...we started watching the big bang theory. It's quite hilarious, so if you haven't seen it, I would suggest it. =)

Amanda said...

Yay for 2 lbs! Um...I'm not sure I can say much that will destress you. As you know already, I'm pretty much uber-stressed myself and hyper-focusing on weight! Gah! But the scale is away now and the melatonin is helping me to sleep, and my ankles hurt so badly from underuse that I think I'm going to take a walk today...

Fluffynurse said...

I almost choked on the diet Barqs spitting out of my nose from that photo. That is EXACTLY how I felt last year while cramming for boards! Good luck and congrats on the 2 lbs.

Czesia said...

Mollie- Ugh why am I complaining?! I'm not a new mommy lol!

Amanda- I hope your ankle feels better, sounds like we need each other! <>

FluffyNurse- Love your name haha! I think we are going to get along just swimmingly, if you think I'm funny, you are my new best friend HAHA!