I'm nervous about getting very far behind in school. I just have to try to relax and know that I am dedicated enough to get caught up. My professors have been extremely understanding so let's hope they stay that way. The jury is still out on if I will be getting another vehicle. I'm kind of leaning against it as we could use the money we spent on car payment each month, I get car pooled, and marc's job is a bit flexible at the moment. However, nothing is set in stone.
To try and celebrate a shitty week, Marc and I made pizza. Can you guess what's on Marc's pizza? Scroll down for answer...
Answer: Roasted Cherry tomatoes, jalapeno, goat cheese and american cheese over a garlic oil sauce.
I made all of the doughs in the bread machine, with garlic red pepper flakes, and oregano in the crust.
This is mine, what do you think I put on top?
Still confused? It's chopped beets and goats cheese with regular sauce :)
Thanks for playing. My headache has unfortunately come back from writing this (shoulders ache) so I'm gonna sign off. Goodnight.
Question: What do you like as your pizza topping and/or in your fridge what concotion would you put on your pizza?